Professor Dr. S. B. Doma
Professor of Applied Mathematics and Computational Physics
Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt
[email protected]
[email protected]
Professor Dr. Ludwig Kohaupt
Beuth University of Technology Berlin, Germany
Department of Mathematics
Professor Dr. Virginia Kiryakova
Professor of Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics and Informatics
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Block 8
Sofia - 1113, Bulgaria
Prof. Dr. Yan Wu
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Georgia Southern University, USA
Professor Dr. Ioannis P. Stavroulakis
Department of Mathematics
University of Ioannina
451 10 Ioannina, Greece
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Siddique
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Fayetteville State University
Professor Dr. Serap Oztop
Istanbul University,
Faculty of Sciences,
Department of Mathematics
Professor Dr. Imran Naeem
Department of Mathematics
Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS)
Professor Dr. Hamed M. Sallam
Minnesota State University
College of Science, Engineering and Technology
273 Wissink Hall, Mankato, MN 56001 USA
Professor Dr. Sapna Jain
(Adj. Professor G.I.T., Guangzhou, P.R. China & KNUE, South Korea)
Department of Mathematics
University of Delhi
Delhi 110 007, India
Professor Dr. Mohamed Elgindi
Professor of Applied Mathematics,
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Eau Claire, Wisconsin 54702-4004, USA
Professor Dr. Shyam S. Chadha
Department of Mathematics
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire,WI-54702. U.S.A.
Professor Dr. M. M. El-Boraei
Professor of Mathematical Analysis and PDE
Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt
Professor Dr. Mahmoud M. Gabr
Professor of Statistics (Time Series Analysis)
Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt
Professor Dr. A. M. A. El-Sayed
Professor of Applied functional analysis and fractional calculus
Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt
Professor Dr. M. M. El-Alem
Professor of Numerical Analysis and Optimization
Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, Egypt
Professor Dr. S. M. Elzaidi
Professor of Complex Analysis and DE
Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya
Professor Dr. F. S. Mestiri
Professor of Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Science, Benghazi University, Benghazi, Libya
Alexandria Journal of Mathematics (AJM) is a refereed Journal devoted to the publication of original research papers and review articles in all areas of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Mathematical Statistics. and Engineering Mathematics. AJM is dedicated to rapid publication of the highest quality short papers, regular papers, and expository papers. AJM is a journal reporting research on the mathematical science structures that describe fundamental processes of theories, computational and numerical methods for exploring these structures. The journal publishes 3 issues annually and accepts papers through peer review by professional colleagues in the relevant fields. Manuscripts in all areas of Mathematical Sciences will be considered.
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