This policy describes the general principles operated by AlexjournalsPublishing for its own journals and the majority of journals published on behalf of its partner organizations. Minor variations do exist and any journal-specific guidelines can be found in the Referee Guidelines link within each refereeing task.
Unbiased consideration is given to all manuscripts offered for publication regardless of race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors.
Our journals are international in authorship and in readership, and our Reviewers are carefully selected from the international research community. We would be interested to hear from you if you wish to volunteer as a referee or if you wish to recommend a colleague who would be a suitable referee. In these cases nominations are approved by the Publisher, who carefully monitors our pool of Reviewers.
Conflict of interest
Please contact us if you are asked to referee an article in the following instances: you are in direct competition with the authors you are a co-worker or collaborator with one of the authors you are in a position to exploit the authors' work (commercially or otherwise) you are in a position which prevents you from giving an objective opinion of the work. We will then select an alternative referee.
Referee reports
Referee reports are sent to the authors. You should bear this in mind when preparing your report. The identity of Reviewers is strictly confidential and we ask that you do not transmit your report directly to the authors. We also ask that you do not disclose your identity to the authors or discuss the papers you have reviewed with colleagues unless they have been published.
Use of an adjudicator
For the cases when Reviewers' reports are not in agreement, the paper and the Reviewers' reports are sent to an adjudicator who is asked first to form his or her own opinion of the paper and then to read the Reviewers' reports and adjudicate between them. If you, as a referee, are overruled by an adjudicator, we will let you know before the article appears in print.
Reviewers are asked to consider:
Does the article exhibit a high degree of novelty?
Is the research reported timely?
Are the results significant enough to justify accelerated publication?
Is the paper likely to be of interest to the journal's readership?
Is the paper written in a clear and concise style?
and to recommend:
acceptance (subject to minor amendments if required),
rejection, or consideration as a Paper (after revision in most cases).Top of Form
Alexandria Journal of Physics is one of the peerreviewed, open access journals published by It publishes all areas of physics including experimental as well as theoretical physics and mathematical physics. Accordingly, manuscripts in the following areas are welcomed:
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